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What She Reads (UK)

No Reverse - Marion Croslydon REVIEW

Such a rollercoaster of a read, every emotion is brought out to the front of the pages and not only that the story was full of twists and turns that made the story original.

Cassie is a high school dropout, getting pregnant and married at seventeen is not the life she wanted for herself or for her husband Josh. So she does the unforgivable she has an abortion behind Josh's back...

Five years pass and Cassie has to bury her grandmother, she holds her head high at the funeral so no one, especially Mr McBride the town mayor and Josh's father can see her pain. After she sends everyone on their way after the funeral she gets two letter that change her life completely.

Now heading to the UK to finally has to come clean about what really happened five years ago she comes face to face with a future that she knows deep down cannot happen.


I'm becoming increasingly annoyed with New Adult recently, in order to be original they seem to be coming up with these crazy scenarios that just seem completely unrealistic. When Cassie goes to Josh and finally tells him the truth about what happened those many years ago, her actions were quite frankly unforgivable yet all seems to be forgiven at the end. I will admit though the book does have an original plot (...well to some extent...) but the premise of the story just didn't attract me.

As i mentioned there were so many emotions going on and the subject is very tough one to approach. The story was told from two POVs which was done in a way that I hadn't come across before and I actually quite enjoyed. Present day was told by Cassie and the past was told by Josh. It offered us an unique insight to their life and their emotions and though process' through the difficult times that they had to face.

The characters were touch an go for me, Cassie wasn't someone I particularly liked and I felt that I had to have sympathy for her for what she did. To me Cassie was quite a weak character, some people may think she appears strong but unfortunately for me she was weak and that quality in a woman is quite off putting. Josh, again he was quite strange, I'm so happy he moved on but his actions and indecisiveness was so unattractive and again i truly believe his character was weak.

I loved Sam, albiet his actions were a little weird. My only real issue is that I find it hard to believe you'd find another fellow American so close to you in the UK, and believe me i have lived in the UK all my life and I rarely come across Americans (unless my step mom comes to visit from Texas) but that is a bit of a personal itch, but hey, i could be wrong. Anyway, Sam definitely an intriguing character I just wish he played a bigger part in the book. It was almost if Marion tried to tease us but because Sam wasn't given a big enough of a role it almost seemed pointless that he existed in the story which was a shame as I felt i connected to him more than either of the main characters.

Overall it was a bit half and half, some areas i did enjoy and the style of writing was executed well i just merely disliked the story for it being unrealistic and with New Adult novels unless they are paranormal/ fantasy they need to stick to more of a story most people can relate to.


So yeah, New Adult cover. KISSY FACE! I'm sorry I cannot help it, also I can't seem to understand where I got "kissy face" from. I don't mean not to be rude to the designers or authors but I just want a New Adult cover that does not have a couple embracing, being swung around or kissing etc it actually gives away the endings... Also, is it just me but do they look a little cold? England is NOT that cold!